Monday, August 19, 2013

August Update: The Sands of the Sierra...

Howdy all-

Mid-month update coming in live from the maelstrom that is the Eastern Sierra!  After narrowly dodging a lightening storm today up on the West Face of Cardinal Pinnacle, we arrived back at home in Mammoth to a 100 ft pine engulfed in flame after a strike blew its top off!  What is going on?!

Besides anomalous weather patterns, things have been pretty much par for the course this month in the Sierra.  Lots of work in the backcountry, mostly accessed via the west side of the Whitney Zone from Golden Trout Wilderness and Sequoia National Park, has kept me busy, though the thoughy of a week of personal time to climb and hike in an area I have yet to visit in the range has been keeping me going...

No pics for now...  lent a certain someone my camera and it is now MIA somewhere about 20 miles from a trailhead.  

See you out there, and stay tuned for a trip report/update at the end of the month!  
